Kuo, Yu-Chia

Yu-Chia Kuo is a master's student and part-time research assistant at McGill University's Distributed Digital Music Archives & Libraries Laboratory (DDMAL) within the Department of Music Research. She was a research assistant at the Music and Culture Technology Laboratory, Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica, Taiwan. Yu-Chia completed her bachelor's degree in Food Science and Biotechnology at National Chung Hsing University, where she also honed her skills as a jazz pianist and performed with the university jazz band.

As a researcher, she focuses on interdisciplinary music research, automated music analysis, and optical music recognition. Her recent collaborative projects include motif discovery in symbolic polyphonic music with motif note identification, creating a symbolic music dataset for computational analysis of symphonies, and a study on expressive synthesis for violin performance generation.

>> Detail in her CV


主要以音樂資訊檢索、電聲作曲、及實驗音像,為研究方向;並關注人機互動、科技敘事等議題。作為藝術創作者,她專注於電子音樂和不同媒材的聲音創作,利用 Max/MSP 作為聲音設計與數據互動的主要工具,並透過聲響藝術的視角構思資料聲音化的創作可能,以建立聲音與數據的連結。近期參與製作:IRCAM x C-LAB 工作坊之 49 聲道聲音裝置《Seascape Serenity》(2024) 、國立自然科學博物館《驚心洞波:黑洞暨重力波特展》之展場聲音設計 (2023)、OpenHCI 第十三屆人機互動工作坊《Unity》之技術教學助理,以及 VR 沈浸式聲音裝置《Immersi Topia》之聲音設計 (2023)。

作為研究人員,她專注於跨域音樂、自動音樂分析和光學樂譜辨識等相關研究,參與計畫包括:用於音樂動機偵測(motif discovery in symbolic polyphonic music with motif note identification),建置交響樂作曲分析的音樂資料庫(symbolic music dataset for computational analysis of symphonies),以及小提琴表演生成的表現合成研究(Expressive music synthesis)。目前的研究題目為當代音樂記譜中延伸演奏技法之應用,旨在通過整合和改進光學樂譜辨識技術,探討深入探索當代音樂記譜與聲音之間的聯繫。
